2019/2020 UNIMA selection of generic non-residential students and mature entry candidates

Announcement   University Registrar   April 26, 2019

The University of Malawi (UNIMA) Council is pleased to announce names of candidates who have been admitted into the University to pursue various generic and mature entry programmes for the 2019/2020 academic year on non-residential basis.

During the selection process for generic non-residential students, candidates were admitted first using the equity system of selecting students into public institutions of higher learning. Under this arrangement, the top ten candidates from each district were offered places first and the rest were selected based on both merit and the size of the population of their district of origin. The selected candidates had MSCE qualifications and other equivalent qualifications. The general public is informed that candidates were selected based on approved criteria for selection used by the University of Malawi.

Furthermore, all mature entry candidates were selected based on approved University of Malawi criteria.

The public is further informed that the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), under the coordination of the Technical Working Group deriving its membership from all public universities, called for applications from candidates to various programmes in all public universities including the University of Malawi. As a result of this, all public universities conducted their selection in a harmonised manner to avoid multiple selection of candidates. However each university conducted its own selection in compliance with the Act which governs its operations.

With regard to the 2019/2020 academic year, there were 24,745 applications which were received by NCHE to be considered for selection by all public universities.

Out of this group, a total of 3327 candidates have been selected to pursue various academic programmes in the University of Malawi. The gender breakdown of this figure is 1401 females representing 42% and 1926 males representing 58% of the candidates. In addition, with respect to the selected candidates, the public may wish to note that among them are 22 international candidates, 13 being females while 9 are males. Furthermore, out of this group, 17 hold A Level qualifications while 5 hold MSCE equivalent qualifications. The University of Malawi has also selected 2 Malawian candidates who hold A Level qualifications.

Candidates to be admitted by the University of Malawi, account for about half of the combined total of all candidates selected by public universities in Malawi.

Last year, a total of 2361 candidates were selected to pursue various programmes in the University of Malawi. There were also 9 special needs candidates who joined various programmes.

The public may wish to note that the University of Malawi each year also considers for selection candidates with special needs. In this regard, this year the University of Malawi is considering 53 applications for admission to the 2019/2020 academic year in adherence to the policy on equitable access to higher education. This is done due to the fact that the conditions of the candidates disadvantaged them to compete on an equal footing with their colleagues during MSCE or equivalent level examinations. The public may further wish to note that in line with the direction of Council, all candidates with special needs, need to be examined by medical practitioners at the College of Medicine and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital who provide certification as to whether or not their conditions warrant special consideration. In this regard, a total of 53 candidates are expected to undergo medical examinations and in the near future, Council shall approve for admission the recommended special needs candidates.

All successful candidates should note that they shall be required to find and pay for their own accommodation and meals. Issues pertaining to loans to be used for payment of tuition fees sponsorship are currently handled by Government through the Loans Board for Higher Education and other related institutions which support the education of candidates.

Generic candidates who would like to stay on campus should apply for accommodation to their respective Colleges and, if accepted, they will be required to pay the College for the same. Candidates are advised that College accommodation is limited and that this shall be allocated based on individual College criteria which can be sought from the offices of Deans of Students at each College. In allocating accommodation spaces, among other issues, Colleges shall prioritise the special needs candidates.

Furthermore, all candidates that have been selected to pursue various programmes at Kamuzu College of Nursing will be informed by the College about the campus where they will be based. This will be either in Lilongwe or in Blantyre.

Candidates are further advised that the starting dates for the 2019/2020 academic year shall be announced by each College in due course.

All selected candidates will shortly receive their offer letters and will be expected to indicate their acceptance. If candidates will not take up their places, such candidates would be expected to timely advise their relevant College that such is the case.

The general public is informed that all candidates in the University of Malawi are admitted on non-residential basis. With respect to the Mature Entry intake, 399 candidates have been selected to pursue various programmes. Out of these, 245 are males representing 61% and 154 are females representing 39%.

All candidates have been approved by Council for admission to their programmes.

The list of successful candidates is availableas attachment below.

Further details regarding the 2019/2020 intake and results can be obtained from the University Office during working days from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. using the following number: (+265) 1 526 622 (switchboard line).

For more College specific information concerning accommodation and other issues, contact the particular College Registrar using the following details:

  1. Chancellor College - P.O. Box 280, Zomba, Tel: (+265) 1 524 222, Fax: (+265) 1 524 046, Email: registrar@cc.ac.mw, academic@cc.ac.mw.
  2. College of Medicine - P/Bag 360, Blantyre, Tel: (+265) 1 877 245, Fax: (+265) 1 872 291, Email: registrar@medcol.mw, admissions@medcol.mw.
  3. Kamuzu College of Nursing - P/Bag 1, Lilongwe, Tel: (+265) 1 751 622, Fax: (+265) 1 750 506, Email: registrar@kcn.unima.mw.
  4. The Polytechnic - P/Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre, Tel: (+265) 1 870 411, Fax: (+265) 1 870 578, Email: registrar@poly.ac.mw.

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