CEC Diploma Programmes January 2022 Intake

Academic   Registrar   October 18, 2021

The Continuing Education Centre invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to enroll into non-residential diploma programmes which are scheduled to commence in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Msalura CDSS (ODeL Centre) in January 2022. The Continuing Education Centre believes in gender equality and female candidates are encouraged to apply.

The following Programmes are on offer in Blantyre:

  1.  Journalism & Media Studies (ABMA)- mode of delivery isweekday
  2. Secretarial Administration (MUBAS)-mode of delivery is weekend
  3. Graphics & Media Studies (MUBAS) - mode delivery is weekend
  4.  Business Management (ABMA) - mode of delivery is weekday
  5.  Human Resource Management (ABMA) - mode of delivery is  weekend
  6. Community Development (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekend
  7. Computing & Information Systems (ABMA) – mode of delivery is weekday
  8. Public Health Management (ABMA) - mode of delivery is weekday and weekend

The following Programmes are on offer in Lilongwe at Falls Estate:

  1. Journalism & Media Studies (ABMA) - mode of delivery is weekday
  2. Secretarial Administration (MUBAS) - mode of delivery is weekend
  3. Business Management (ABMA) -mode of delivery is weekday/weekend
  4. Community Development (ABMA) - mode of delivery is weekday
  5. Computing & Information Systems (ABMA) - mode of delivery is weekday
  6. Human Resource Management (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekend
  7. Public Health Management (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekday /weekend
  8. Certificate in Financial Accounting (ICAM) – mode of delivery is weekday

The following Programmes are on offer in Mzuzu at MUBAS Campus next to Mzuzu International Academy

  1. Business Management (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekday
  2. Community Development (ABMA)- mode of delivery is Weekend/ weekday
  3. Journalism & Media Studies (ABMA)- mode of delivery is Weekday
  4. Human Resource Management (ABMA)-mode of delivery is weekend
  5. Public Health Management (ABMA)- mode of delivery isweekday /weekend
  6. Diploma in Secretarial Administration (MUBAS)-mode of delivery is weekend
  7. Computing and Information Systems (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekday

The following Programmes are on offer in Salima at Msalura CDSS

  1. Business Management (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekend
  2. Community Development (ABMA)- mode of delivery is Weekend
  3.  Journalism & Media Studies (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekend
  4. Human Resource Management (ABMA)-mode of delivery is weekend
  5.  Public Health Management (ABMA)- mode of delivery is weekend

Admission Requirements for Secretarial Administration: MSCE/GCE

50 words per minute typing speed and Shorthand Knowledge

Tuition Fees: K450, 000.00 per year

Duration: One year

Admission Requirements for Graphics & Media Studies: MSCE/GCE.

Fees: K450, 000.00 per year

Duration: Two Years

Admission Requirements for ABMA Programmes: MSCE/GCE

Tuition Fees: K150, 000.00 per Semester

Duration: 6 Months per each Level (18 Months for 3 Levels)

Examination Fees: Students to Pay Examination Fees

These programmes are scheduled to commence on:

  • 15 January 2022 for Weekend classes
  • 17 January 2022 for Weekday classes

Application forms can be downloaded below or collected from MUBAS Main and Chichiri campuses in Blantyre, MUBAS campus Falls Estate in Lilongwe, MUBAS campus at Luwinga in Mzuzu next to Mzuzu International Academy andMsalura CDSS (ODeL Centre) in Salima.

Applicants should pay a non-refundable application fee of K10, 000.00 into the following bank account:

Account Name: Continuing Education Centre

Account Number: 9100002714695/9100001168336

Branch: Ginnery Corner

Bank Name: Standard Bank

The forms can be hand delivered to any of the campuses indicated above enclosing copies of relevant certificates and bank deposit slip or sent to:

The Director,

The Coordinator

Continuing Education Centre, 

Private Bag 303,


Lilongwe Campus

PO BOX 1847


Mzuzu Campus

PO BOX 1007


The Coordinator,

Msalura ODEL Centre

Box 403, Salima

Before Friday 24th December 2021

For enquiries use the following contact numbers during working hours only

TEL: Blantyre -0999976502 & 0999976503; Lilongwe -0999976501;

Mzuzu -0999976498 and Msalura- 0212976503 during working hours


E-MAIL: cec@mubas.ac.mw


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