
My Community My Solution

My Community My Solution

Spearheaded by their Computer Programming lecturer, Leonard Umali, the group commenced its operations earlier this year and has so far developed two s...

7 years ago read

What happens if we do not innovate?

What happens if we do not innovate?

Joshua Ngalande, an inventor of the Nsima cooker and an Electrical Engineering Alumni at the Polytechnic presented a motivational talk to the students...

7 years ago read

New infrastructure considers students with special needs

New infrastructure considers students with special needs

This, however, is not the case as the college enrolls the highest number of stud...

7 years ago read

Gordon Banda holds a marketing motivation talk

Gordon Banda holds a marketing motivation talk

The lecture, that held in New TED Lecture Theatre, was organized to encourage the aspiring marketers to work hard in order to be better marketers as t...

7 years ago read

Salome Msango - Coping up Life at the University with Entrepreneurship

Salome Msango - Coping up Life at the University with Entrepreneurship

For the majority of Malawians earning less than a dollar a day, educating their...

7 years ago read

Allan Chowe - Coping up Life at the University with Entrepreneurship

Allan Chowe - Coping up Life at the University with Entrepreneurship

The 24-year-old says he doesn’t exactly remember being taught the art of m...

7 years ago read