In Case You Missed It

Breaking the bias highlights International Women’s Day
March 30, 2022, Robin Phwetekele
Breaking the bias highlights International Women’s Day

Featured Biography

Dorothy Eneya
Dr Dorothy Eneya - University Librarian

Postgraduate Selection List

Academic   Postgraduate   August 26, 2022

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) is pleased to announce the names of successful candidates who applied for the respective Postgraduate programmes as presented below. 

Also in the news

Engineering Students On Symposium Preparatory Move
August 9, 2021, Joseph Ulemu
Engineering Students On Symposium Preparatory Move
Final year students from the Faculty of Engineering at MUBAS held a day-long Electrical, Electronic equipment and software repairing event on August 4th 2021.