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Outreaching Liwonde students with Business Communication Program
November 30, 2018, Chapter Banda
Outreaching Liwonde students with Business Communication Program

Featured Biography

Gertrude Sitolo
Dr Gertrude Sitolo - Director of Student Affairs

New infrastructure considers students with special needs

Article   Lusungu Munthali   October 3, 2017
PIC: New construction with concrete slides that allow wheel chairs to pass with ease
In an institution of higher learning such as The Polytechnic, one could expect that only those students without special needs thrive in an environment full of pressure and academic demands.

This, however, is not the case as the college enrolls the highest number of students as compared to any college in the University of Malawi and a good number of them are special needs students. This is a proof that they too have the ability to pursue studies regardless of being special needs students.

In order to make the Polytechnic a conducive environment for academics to every individual in terms of easy access to infrastructure such as hostels, library, classrooms and Main Lecture Theatres, the college with the support from the Higher Education Science and Technology is constructing new buildings that consider students with special needs. The project is being funded by the African Development Bank. 

The new buildings under HEST project contain aided slabs that elevate all the way to the top enabling special needs students to move through with wheel chairs.

Currently there are concrete slabs that are under construction around campus to enable special needs students using wheel chairs to move up and down the institution without any problems.  The hallway leading to the library has such slabs assisting special needs students to access the library with ease especially the first floor. 

Despite such an initiative, the library and other classes, which have upper floors with staircases as the only way up, remain inaccessible to our special needs friends hence making it difficult for them to study in the library and attend classes.  

The Chichiri campus has not fully embraced this initiative; there is need for more slabs that will help special needs students to easily access classrooms. 

It is understood that tertiary education is a privilege and those who attain this should be treated with equal standards regardless of being special needs students. This will give chance to special needs students to have access to classes, laboratories and offices with ease.

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HEPSSA project knowledge dissemination workshop
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