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SHEAMA empowers Malawian entrepreneurs with financial grants
September 4, 2023, Lucy Isaac, Francis Bwanali
SHEAMA empowers Malawian entrepreneurs with financial grants

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Dorothy Eneya
Dr Dorothy Eneya - University Librarian

Loans Board-NCHE conducts open public engagement session at MUBAS

News   Pangano Baluwa   September 17, 2022
PIC: NCHE and Loans Board Guest Speakers
The national Centre for higher education and Loans Board conducted a public engagement session at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Science (Amphitheater) on Friday 9th September 2022 with an aim of providing information on services that the aforementioned boards provides.

The event was presided Director of Students affairs at MUBAS, Getrude Sitolo Banda, the guest speakers at the event included Sera Manyetera Chief Quality Audit officer at National Centre for Higher Education and Milly Kasunda Communications Manager for Loans Board. 

Monitored by MBC the highly interactive event saw a number of issues raised such as selection criteria for public university and loans board, demarcation of the two aforementioned boards as well as issues of repayments for loans accessed by beneficiaries, 

Students were also given a chance of raising their concerns to the institutions and they were provided with a desired response. 

In her remarks Milly Kasunda stressed that the visit was of significance because as Malawi is considered as a poor country and most students selected are from needy homes as such the board was established so as to provide financial assistance to all students, 

She further said that students have been made to understand on the products offered by NCHE, the eligibility criteria, and defining needy students and types of documents needed for the loan application form. 

Her remarks were echoed by Manyetera who stressed that over the years there has been a misunderstanding from students on the roles between the two boards as such the engagement has resolved the anomalies with ease” 

MUBAS students representative Franklin Kadewere hailed the two boards for such an initiative as students have been properly fed with information which has been limited for a while. 


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  • vc

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