Invitation to Attend a Public Defence

Announcement   Faculty of Commerce   October 8, 2021
PIC: PhD Candidate Andrew Lipunga

The Faculty of Commerce through the Office of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research  would like to inform members of the general public of the virtual PhD public defence event which will take place on Wednesday, 20th October, 2021.

The function will be held in the ICT/ODeL Auditorium at MUBAS in Blantyre from 8:00am.

The presentation is titled: “Institutional model for public hospitals’ organisational governance reforms in Malawi” and will be made by Mr. Andrew Lipunga, a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Commerce.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the public can join virtually by using this link; 

Those who wish to attend this auspicious academic event should register by sending an email to: The closing date for registration is on 18th October, 2021.

For further enquiry, please contact;

Postgraduate Studies Office

Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences

Private Bag 303

Chichiri Blantyre 3


Tel - (265) 1 871 703

Email: Or


All COVID -19 preventive measures will be observed


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