Equity with Quality of Learning in Secondary Project (EQUALS)

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   April 17, 2020
PIC: Class in session at Matope CDSS
Ministry of Education Science and Technology in collaboration with The Polytechnic and other Teacher Training Institutions (TTIs) implemented a project in 2019 with the aim of training rural Community Day Secondary School (CDSSs) teachers in the teaching of mathematics and sciences to improve student performance. The project spans 15 years and has many strands including secondary school teacher support.

The Polytechnic’s project coordinator Dr. Rabson Mgawi explained that TTIs were involved in the inception of the project in 2017, and all preparatory works for implementation are complete. The Polytechnic was involved with designed and development of a mathematics training guide. With the assistance of Dr. Florence Thom, the manual is at almost ready for use when training of the teachers mid this year. 

The Project coordinator had this to say: “Academic staff from Faculty of Education and Media Studies and Applied Sciences and some teachers in mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry will be heavily involved in the training of the CDSS teachers”. 

These academic staff will be supported by other veteran secondary school teachers in mathematics and science subjects. Prior to that field training these trainers will also undergo training organised by the World Bank in conjunction with a training material developer from New Jersey in America. 

“One of the thrusts for this intervention is to improve the performance of the students in mathematics and science subjects so that, the do well in the Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations as well cope up when they are admitted in the higher education universities and colleges,” Dr Mgawi added.

Just three weeks ago (15th – 20th March), the Polytechnic team was involved in the scoping survey in the South Western Education Division (SWED) which lies in three districts of Chikwawa, Mwanza and Neno. The aim of the visit was to identify who teaches the mathematics and science subjects and check their teaching skills and content knowledge.

 The other teacher training institutions Chancellor College, Mzuzu University, Domasi College and Nalikule Teachers Training College. To support the project activities for the TTIs, the EQUALS Project has provided one new vehicle to each TTI and will further provide other office equipment in due course. 


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